Notice is a historical project of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which tracked the money spent by the 2009 stimulus bill. This site is not regularly updated.

Adam Shifriss

Legislative Manager
Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Adam is the Legislative Manager for the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, where he guides interactions with policymakers and staff on a wide range of issues. Adam previously worked in the U.S. House of Representatives where he handled a broad variety of issues including Energy and Commerce and Appropriations Committee work. In 2007, he contributed to a Government Accountability Office review of public infrastructure reconstruction efforts by FEMA after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Adam also has experience in health advocacy, database management, and political campaigns. He studied Public Policy Analysis at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University, where he received his bachelor's degree and the Hutton Honors notation. In addition to his work at CRFB, Adam is an active member of the board of the DC Chapter of the Indiana University Alumni Association. Contact him at shifriss[at]

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