Notice is a historical project of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which tracked the money spent by the 2009 stimulus bill. This site is not regularly updated.

Ed Lorenzen

Senior Advisor
Prior to joining the Committee staff, Ed served on the staff of the Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. He is a longtime veteran of the Congressional Budget process, having served as policy advisor and Legislative Director to former Congressman (and current Co-Chairman of the Committee board) Charlie Stenholm from 1990 through 2004 and as Senior Policy Advisor for House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer from 2007 through June of 2010. Ed received his bachelor’s degree in government and international service from American University. Ed graduated from The American University in 1992 with a degree in government and international relations. He is originally from Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Contact him at lorenzen[at] and find him on Twitter at @CaptainPAYGO.

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